This morning, at 6:11 A.M. EST, the Mayans remind us that a 26,000 year period ended and a new cycle has begun. Below are some thoughts with which each one of us may embark on this new stage in human history and the evolution of human consciousness. Remember, above all else, each one of us is a creator, creating with the vibrational frequency of our consciousness as we send our thoughts and feelings out into the quantum field of the collective consciousness of all that is.
"The principle which gives thought the dynamic power to correlate with its object and therefore to master every adverse human experience is the law of attraction, which is another name for love. This is an eternal and fundamental principle inherent in all things . . . there is no getting away from the law of love. It is feeling that imparts vitality to thought. Feeling is desire and desire is love. Thought impregnated with love becomes invincible."
—Charles Haanel
"Life is not what it seems, not even close to what most of our parents believed to be true. We live in a dream that our mind has crystallized into what we call reality. The Maya believe that you will soon know a part of yourself that is so ancient, it goes beyond the stars and planets as fixed worlds. For they too are a dream and like a dream upon wakening, you will realize they are pure light. Or, better still, pure consciousness."
—Drunvalo Melchlizidek from a presentation in which he tells of his talks with don Alejandro Serillo, the head Mayan shaman of all the Americas.
"Every moment your consciousness creates the world you inhabit."
—Eckhart Tolle
• On this momentous day, consider how we can all begin to replace a fear focus, which may also include anger, depression, etc., with a love focus in the broadest sense of focusing on what we would love to have happen in our lives. Should fear arise, we can simply use it to shift us back to what we would love to have happen. This can be done by simply reminding ourselves, "My fear of (blank) is telling me that I'd hate (blank) to happen. And that's because, I'd live it if (blank) happened instead." We then look at the gap between what is and what we would love to have happen and take whatever steps we need to close the gap. Whatever gap is left, we can turn over to our higher power (God, Source, your Higher Self, the Universe, etc.). Then, we just pay attention to any signs, meaningful coincidences help close the stress gap or accept what cannot be changed.
May you Bless Yourself & Others with the Gift of Who You Truly Are: An Individualized Expression of Love, which Saint John reminds us is nothing less than God, the Ultimate Power operating in the Universe
Happy Winter Solstice, Merry Christmas & Have a Blessed New Year